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Paved hiking trail2 at Martinak SP.JPG

Trinity Outdoors

Wandering & Wondering: Trinity Outdoors began in the winter of 2023 as a result of a line in a Sunday sermon. The Very Rev. Gregory L. Powell spoke of people seeking (or conversely, fearful of) a direct encounter with God. Those of us who spend time in nature experience that direct encounter in myriad ways. Scott Smith, who recently retired after 34 years as a wildlife ecologist with the MD Department of Natural Resources, started Trinity Outdoors with an invitation to parishioners and Cathedral friends to join him in seeking transformative experiences while hiking and examining nature at nearby mid-Shore natural areas. Hikes have included commentary on the plants, animals, soils, geology and history of the natural areas the group trekked through. These events, free of charge, were held every 4-6 weeks throughout the fall and winter of 2023 and 2024.

On May 17, Trinity Outdoors enjoyed their last hike of the spring at Pickering Creek Audubon Center. The group was entertained by herons, egrets, songbirds, calling frogs and toads, some beautiful flowering shrubs and forbs, and were mesmerized by a sacred and cathedral-like forest circle where they meditated on their soul connection to nature. Thank you to all 22 individuals who have participated in hikes this past winter and spring. The group will resume hikes in October after the first frost. Please contact the parish office to be added to the group's contact list or to learn more about this ministry.

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